Duet3d move without homing. See the wiki page on configuring RRF for a delta printer.

When the homing part is done, all 3 arms are full horizontal with motor shaft. 4 Z0. However, if your bed isn't very flat but the platform itself is pretty stable, you can do a high detail G29 with lots of points and save that resulting heightmap and reload it before a print without needing to reprobe. My ideal homing pattern/thing would be: Move the distal and proximal joint, maintaining the angle between the two, until the proximal is homed once. 62. In case you are wondering why I want to do such a crazy thing, it's for dynamic Good Day, I have a bit of issues with the Homing of the X Axis on my printer using a Duet 3 Mini5+ Homing Y and Z works as expected, Homing X is kinda unreliable, sometimes it moves a few mm towards the Endstop and just sets the current position as X home This topic has been deleted. . Does anyone know what might be s G1 S1 y-60 X-60 Z-60 F1000 ; move all towers to the high end stop at endstops. Duet Hardware and wiring. 580. Hey group, I have an application where I need the printer to move without homing. 3:1. Navigate back to the Machine Control page. 1:1. To move the printer before it is homed you need to use I have a PNP machine with dual head. g file in the System Editor of the web interface. @taconite said in Emergency Stop without M112: It would be nice if it would not reset homing either It can't guarantee the same position so it's marked unhomed. g would allow me to move the effector without @optical said in Secondary Tool move breaks Z homing: I do not have any tool change scripts inside my configuration. @optical said in Secondary Tool move breaks Z homing: I do not have any tool change scripts inside my configuration. g use at least one probe point close to each leadscrew. On a PanelDue, press the Home icon on the Control page, or (if provided) Home X, Home Y and so on. By default it is only in stealthChop mode at very low speeds, too low for homing moves. M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ; set axis minima and low homing switch positions (adjust to make X=0 and Y=0 the edges of the bed) I homes to the correct direction, which is great. If is send G90 G1 S2 X0 Y0 Z0 afterward, all 3 arms move up and they are trying to move above endstops. Duet3D. You can do individual motor moves before homing using G1 S2 moves. Speed Change This refers to jerk. On the downside the G-code dialect it uses is a bit non-standard - it even has a few differences from the specifications in the Duet G-code wiki (G54 for machine co-ordinates) On the upside Ooznest have provided a suite of macros for some common functions but I discovered (the hard way) that Sep 7, 2018 · That command does not apply to delta printers. My ideal homing sequence would look like this: Move axis towards the endstop and start to decelerate when endstop is triggered. G1 S2 X13 Y13 Z13 F700 ; go down a few mm. g file. Before conducting this step, temporarily allow axis movement without homing by navigating to the G Code console in Duet Web Control (DWC) and entering: M564 S0 H0. Connecting thermistors or PT1000 temperature sensors. I have a crazy plan to add a third XY gantry (AW) to my existing CoreXYUV. I thought that clicking on the "Home" buttons would perform the action needed and enter I have an A-axis that want to use as rotary-axis. I do not have any tool change files tfree0. Homing consists of selecting the lower of the IR sensors and moving at a higher than "safe" rate until that sensor is activated. This page walks you through a typical configuration for a cartesian 3D printer, using RepRapFirmware v3, generated by the configuration tool. @drak said in X axis homing issue: G1 H2 X5 F6000 ; go back a few mm. g:;Piezo M558 P8 I1 R0. Hi, I am confused by my homeall. Connecting endstop switches. This section defines homing speeds and the amount Z lifts between probing points. g in /sys on the SD card, and similar files for tool 1; and if But after homing Z, and going to Z0 I still got a gap between nozzle and bed. 1 (I realize it states that it has not been tho @b0m0a0k said in Initial Homing issues - Sequence of Errors: Max. Note that revision 1. g and homey. Homing preferences. To be exact, the X offset after homing is 58mm. But is it actually? Hey group, I have an application where I need the printer to move without homing. For now sensorless homing on X and sensorless on Z works find. Jan 17, 2021 · Hi, You are thinking of pause. Input shaping describes a set of algorithms to reduce ringing frequencies that inevitably occur due to hardware factors in 3D printers. drive the motor to the rail until it detects stalling. My config. Board: Duet 3 MB6HC (MB6HC) Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC 3. Is there any way to get them grouped together or I do not have any tool change scripts inside my configuration. gtj0 Aug 23, 2019, 5:37 PM @dc42 Homing seems to be broken at the moment. g, but not sure about that. g in /sys on the SD card Reduce the stepper current and you'll be very unlikely to do any damage even if the printer crashes, what will slip is the rotor in the motor, while it may sound terrible its just a magnetic coupling. Homing an axis normally leaves it in a fixed position, however this position needs not be the zero position. ¶ 3. There are a couple of check boxes you can tick to increase these heights if this is the first time setting up a machine, and want to be cautious. g as these 3 lines to home Z : G90 G1 X47 Y20 F6000 G30 but the posit In the gcode console, issue command G28 to home everything, or G28 X to home just X, and so on. Oct 8, 2020 · 8 Oct 2020, 21:25. Usually it would be loaded at startup in config. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. Mar 15, 2019 · G1 H2 Z5 F900 ; move quickly to Z axis endstop and stop there (first pass) G1 H1 X-670 U-670 F1500 ; move quickly to X axis endstops and stop there (first pass) G1 H2 X5 U5 F2400 ; go back a few mm G1 H1 X-600 U-600 F300 ; move slowly to X axis endstops once more (second pass) G1 H2 X300 U300 F1500 ; M584 X0:1 P3 ; join axis G92 X0 ; Set Home @b0m0a0k said in Initial Homing issues - Sequence of Errors: At the heart of this I think is my misinterpretation of what I was seeing on the Duet Web Control screen. (Slow) Home distal arm (Fast) Home distal arm (Slow) Solved Homing problem Ender 3 pro. 20, when i Homing, i have this message in console [[language]] Error: Attempt to move the head of a Delta or SCARA printer before homing it Why? PS: @optical said in Secondary Tool move breaks Z homing: M208 E-18000 S1 ; set axis maxima Aug 16, 2021 · @pertti said in Duet2 wifi RRF3 homing mixture: The x and y axes are engaged so that if You move x then x and y move and if You move y then x and y move. I gave already made G-code, but machine is moving to home position on the pause. I entered a M564 S0 into the gcode terminal but I still get an error: G0/G01: insufficient axes homed. Z axis not homing. Use at least two probe points, one at each end of From my tests so far it only seems to be possible to move a single joint at a time to home. My X endstop is at 0, my Y endstop is at 290. This would be a method at the end of print to turn off the motors then re-enable them at will later on, the flags that consider them homed do not get cleared. ![Home and Jogging 50. It's configured as if it is. See the wiki page on configuring RRF for a delta printer. 3 The easiest way to generate these files is using the RepRapFirmware configuration tool. On a Cartesian or CoreXY printer, test X homing first, then Y homing, then Z homing. @veti said in Wrong position after homing axes: M558 P1 H5 F120 T6000 This still has no effect on this behavior. Here are my two files: M291 R"Pause Print" P"Please wait" T0 M83 ; relative extruder moves G1 E-2 F3600 ; retract filament (see resume. When I home z, a box pops up asking me to move x until the nozzle is touching the bed, then press OK. how do I enable negative moves without homing? Nov 30, 2017 · ; Move quickly to X axis endstop and stop there (first pass) G1 X-1205 F1800 S1; Go back a few mm G91 G1 X5 F6000 G90; Move slowly to X axis endstop once more (second pass) G1 X-1205 F360 S1; Lower Z again G91 G1 Z-5 F6000 G90; homey. x. I have just complete wiring up my Duet3D WiFi and am troubleshooting the initial setup. here I have to manually jog the axis close to the endstop because it takes forever to do the normal homing routine. Input shaping adjusts the period of acceleration and/or breaks the acceleration up into a number of steps of different sizes, so that later acceleration changes induce ringing equal and opposite to the ringing induced by earlier acceleration changes. g in /sys on the SD card, and similar files for tool 1; and if Dec 30, 2020 · Hello everyone I am currently in the process of setting up the Mini 5+ with a MK3 Bear. Endstops can be NO (normally open) and NC normally closed, so you Aug 21, 2019 · For XY in config. My configuration does all of this in the homex. The A-axis is working without homing by using M564 command. Am open to advice and suggestion please. I have the Duet plus Duex 5 with 10 motors already but @wilriker has pointed out that I can add 2 more external drivers using the ConnLcd connector. To move the printer before it is homed you need to use The purpose of homing is to move the specified axes in such a way as to establish a known position for them, for example by moving an axis motor until an endstop switch is triggered. turn current way down. Tool head stays in right position, but I can not resume for moving to next point. In order to isolate what frequencies affect a machine the most, an accelerometer may be used. Connecting PT100 temperature sensors. Connecting thermocouples. SD card. I just wanted to be able to raise the head so it doesn't cool down setting on the part. From my tests so far it only seems to be possible to move a single joint at a time to home. At this time, we will check the operation of our stepper motors. Search Unsolved Secondary Tool move breaks Z homing. g and Z in homez. M400 ; make sure everything has stopped before we reset the motor currents 3: Adjust G1 feedrate parameters in all X and Y homing related commands. unless you explicitly allow moving without homing, you need to press home all before jogging the axes Apr 16, 2021 · @tom33 said in G28 Error: Failed to enable endstops Sensorless Homing Homing: @daimein2007 Same problem I would to declare an axis without homing process. Nov 19, 2023 · I assume everything works becuse without the bl touch as endstop it homes to the correct spot, the motors all go up and down correctly, the heat and thermistors all work. 00', even though it hasnt even moved towards the end switch, let alone touched it! use M119 to verify your endstop configuration. g. SET_STEPPER_ENABLED STEPPER=stepper_y ENABLE=0. I have a z endstop. Dec 12, 2018 · Duet3D. I had an M564 command in my config file which allowed me to drive the machine without having to home it to allow me to home the machine earlier but since taken the command out. 1 ; set drive mapping It looks like you have your drives spread out all across the mainboard and expansion. g and resume. Normal movement on a delta can only be done after homing. 2:1. Please trigger the endstop manually*) and make sure it triggers. I do not have a z probe. We are building an entire new gantry system for the z-axis so at the moment I don't have much room there and dont need it since we are just looking to start moving and printing in the parameters Nov 1, 2018 · The Duet controller supplied with the workbee by Ooznest in the UK has some downsides and some upsides. Save your changes. homeall. I can't move x to get z to move. Before taking M564 S0 H0 out of config, I was able to home Test homing. If you have just 2 Z motors, one at each end of the X axis, then set the Y coordinates of the leadscrews in the M671 command to be equal (the value doesn't matter, so you can use zero). Should there be no gap when I'm at Z0? Is the gap defined by G31 Z-0. jpg] Apr 30, 2020 · Question about M564. X,Y - Standard axes. Reduce the stepper current and you'll be very unlikely to do any damage even if the printer crashes, what will slip is the rotor in the motor, while it may sound terrible its just a magnetic coupling. If your printer is a delta, open the homedelta. 0:0. See the M569 command. (Fast) Home proximal arm without moving the distal arm. Cartesian kinematic. Power wiring. I/O Mapping Feb 29, 2020 · Now it does indeed perform a full homing procedure without issues. However the only thing that isn't working as expected is sensorless homing. Hi, Since i have updated to 1. g or after homing, or right before printing. If you can guarantee position, you can force the position with G92, which will mark it as ho (My homing sensors are at the back right of the printer) But homing with M669 K13 B"CoreXY5AC" had the same results, the printer first homed X, then the Y went diagonally forward to the right and crashed. Jan 10, 2023 · All groups and messages Aug 31, 2018 · CoreXYUVWA - 3rd gantry homing SOLVED. I have installed the firmware from the RepRap configurator that is labelled for my printer, the Wanhao Duplicator i3 v2. 4 F300 Z1; Define Mesh Grid for G29 Thank you! I will give the M564 a try and post the results. The X, Y and Z parameters on that line are the maximum distances that the carriages will move up when homing. My only tool change commands are T0 and T1. Is there a way to disable the homing requirement besides using M564? The Z axis homing becomes inverted. g in /sys on the SD card, and similar files for tool 1; and if I have just complete wiring up my Duet3D WiFi and am troubleshooting the initial setup. After a bit of testing homing . This stops the home move before it starts, and avoids a machine crash. This is because for sensorless homing, your printer must obtain a minimum required speed. If you have 3 or 4 Z motors, in bed. May 11, 2018 · SET_STEPPER_ENABLED STEPPER=stepper_x ENABLE=0. To start another print it would be re-homing anyway, and depending on why and when it was canceled it might be awhile before another attempt is made. 1 (2020-05-19b2 Axes description. @wharris87 said in Core XY - Y Homing not functioning correctly: After the Y axis has 'homed' DWC gives the y position as '350. thanks in advance. x and RRF 2. But when I Tell the Machine to move +0. I then tried using M669 K1 as advised by @OttoJiang and the X and Y axis homing was fine without any problems. There are notes for differences between Duet 3 and Duet 2 boards, and between RRF 3. Now the upper IR sensor is selected and the "normal" home operation is performed at a nice safe rate and the actual home operation is completed. Then slowly back up the axis until the endstop is not triggered anymore and set axis home position. The RailCore community Duet config has sensorless homing files available. Leave as-is unless you know the speeds and Z dive height you want to use. (Slow) Home distal arm (Fast) Home distal arm (Slow) Dec 30, 2020 · You will need to reduce the V parameter (at least during homing) so that at the speed of the homing move, the driver is operating in stealthChop mode. 2 Y0. For example, if you create a U axis that doesn't need to be homed, put just this command in the PS: @optical said in Secondary Tool move breaks Z homing: M208 E-18000 S1 ; set axis maxima Nov 1, 2023 · I have configured the mainboard and daughterboards and the machine powers up and works as intended. I am using a Duet Ethernet with firmware 1. I have 4 NEMA23 for Y (2 motors move one belt for left and right rail), 2 Nema17 34mm with lead screw for Z, 2 NEMA17 20mm for X. @veti I thought that "Not Stopped" meant they had not been triggered, certainly when I manually trigger then one at a time the corresponding light comes on o See the specific wiki page for more detail on each part of the hardware setup that applies to your setup: Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet Hardware overview. 1 and newer of the Duet 3 Toolboard 1LC boards also come with an embedded accelerometer. Search I was previously told on the forum that putting the following line in config. Once you have checked your motors are moving the correct direction and distance, you can test homing. g; called to home the Y axis;; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Thu Nov 30 2017 11:19:42 GMT The idea is to use special gcode for moving tool to special points, pause it and find right offset values with micro steps. Is your printer a corexy? @pertti said in Duet2 wifi RRF3 homing mixture: M669 K1 ; select CoreXY mode. If you have an axis that doesn't need to be homed, use a G92 command to sets its position. Basically, I: enable stall guard. Using this page as reference for the names of the pins… And using this comment from the M574 documentation, "To use two Z motors using independent homing switches, declare two Z motors in M584, then declare two pins for Z endstops in a single M574 command @phaedrux said in Z-axis up without homing macro: I suppose just for noise. Look for the first G1 S1 line in that file. Also please use M119 to get the status of the endstops. SET_STEPPER_ENABLED STEPPER=stepper_z ENABLE=0. Connecting stepper motors. When they are all working independently, test homing all axes @optical said in Secondary Tool move breaks Z homing: I do not have any tool change scripts inside my configuration. NOTE: if you have configured to use the Z-probe for homing, DO NOT home the Z axis yet! See the next step. turn current back up with homed axis. 14? I thought G31 defines, that the trigger point is higher than the real touch point, that the nozzle does not bang the bed. The bed does indeed come to an abrupt and somewhat startling halt. 5mm on the Z Axis, the machine still moves in the wrong direction. I need to be able to move to a Starting position manually and set it as 0,0,0 start point using macro in Web control. I also tried without a "S" perimeter. @Danal said in Homing issue with X & Y after upgrading to RRF3: And, you generally want the switches physically wired as "normally closed" so that a broken wire or loose connector makes the switch look triggered. I think your endstops probably need to be inverted as it seems to think they are triggered when they are not. g) G91 ; relative moves G1 Z10 F9999 ; move nozzle out of the way - step 1 (max speed) G90 ; absolute moves G1 X0 Y150 F6000 ; move nozzle out of the way - step 2 M291 R"Pause Print" P"Done" T1 Mar 7, 2022 · Using switches instead of sensorless homing makes this a lot easier and more reliable. Move each stepper motor, individually, 1 mm in each direction. When execute an emergency stop after homing Z, I can move the X-axis to -58 until the endsto @Steppenleguan if it passes the endstop without triggering the endstop, the configuration of the endstop seems to be wrong. (Slow) Home distal arm (Fast) Home distal arm (Slow) here I have to manually jog the axis close to the endstop because it takes forever to do the normal homing routine. 1. 19. In that case remove the H2 from that move and try again. (Slow) Home distal arm (Fast) Home distal arm (Slow) The Z axis homing becomes inverted. I have also tried M1 command too. @silver1882 said in Z-axis up without homing macro: If I am away from my house and I have to cancel the print because of a problem my printer is no longer homed. This topic has been deleted. Dual Y axis rails (its actually dual 16mm shafts on both sides of printer) moving two Z rails, which hold X axis. i need to be able to do Negative Moves in all Axis to get into the right postion then apply a G92 X0 Y0 Z0 to Zero everything out as a starting point. In the example in step 2, the F parameters of the G1 commands for X and Y are quite high. It thinks home is wrong side but does jog. The hardware Duet 3 6HC @24v From my tests so far it only seems to be possible to move a single joint at a time to home. I have tested the setup by disconnecting two of the 1HCL's to simplify the setup but the behaviour stayed the same. Keep F above 3600 (3600mm/min or 60mm/sec). My duet is driving a 1000x1000 workbee cnc and I'm having some issues with homing. General Discussion. As a stupid test if i tell the bed its only 110 x110 in size it will go to the middle of the bed. The idea is to use special gcode for moving tool to special points, pause it and find right offset values with micro steps. 3. Be sure that you have confirmed the correct operation of your endstops before homing. Dec 3, 2020 · G1 H1 U-120 F10000 ; move up 150mm, stopping at the endstop G1 H1 U2 F2000 ; move away from end G1 H1 U-120 F10000 ; repeat the homing move because it doesn't always work first time G1 H1 U30 F4000 ; move away from end G90 ; back to absolute positioning. For the technically minded, some references to academic papers about input shaping can be found From my tests so far it only seems to be possible to move a single joint at a time to home. 1 (I realize it states that it has not been tho @dk said in 4 motors on one axis homing: M584 X0. g, tpre0. 564. I have an inductive probe mounted on the hotend carriage and I want to use it for homing Z. Dec 1, 2019 · homing x/y; positioning to middle and deploys probe; triggering the probe by hand (Z-motors not connected for safety) probe retracts; homing successfull (all axis homed) probe deploys immediately after homing again and stays deployed; deploy and retract by using M280 P3 S10 I1 / M280 P3 S90 I1 works perfectly We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 1 (I realize it states that it has not been tho Recommendations. You don’t want to try and home Z with stallguard. Register; Login; Search. What we are asking is whether you have files tfree0. On my machine y moves front to back, x moves left to right and z moves up and down. Its just the BL touch homing position i cant get to change. g and tpost0. If the axis is already homed and it's endstop is triggered, you can't run the homing sequence again without getting an Error: G0/G1: insufficient axes homed message and the axis cha I have a PNP machine with dual head. So far the basics (heaters, thermistors, axis movements and fans) ar I have a PNP machine with dual head. Nov 19, 2023 · @fcwilt Pics of Jogging. hy rr eo jl nm gz ye eg oq ue